Saturday, October 17, 2009

042. From Minergie to Minergie-P (rejoice!)

Figure 33. The new calculated energy balance for the house. The numbers are in kWh/(m2). Compare to figure 23.

Back in April I had started to write a little about the calculations of the projected energy usage that had been done based on the components making up the house. Since then much has changed and the structure of the house is now going to be made entirely of wood[1]. The windows have been upgraded to have better energy performance. We also have a new energy planner who is a better fit for our project. He changed the heat pump to a better-tested model, added 4 m2 of solar collector (for hot water) and an Erdregister (earth tube heat-exchanger). The result of all these changes is that we now have an optimized system with lower numbers. Numbers that put us firmly in Minergie-P territory!! Read on for more information...

First, the quantities listed in the diagram above are:

- QiP: heat generated by the residents.
- QiE: heat generated by the electrical equipment.
- The total internally generated energy is Qi = QiP + QiE.

- QS: heat delivered by the sun.
- The total gain Qg = Qi + QS.

It is assumed that only 60% of Qg can be used by the house:
- Qg,u = 0.60 Qg
- QV is the energy lost through the ventilation system.
- Qt is the energy lost via transmission through the shell.

Also back in April, in post 021, I had written about the requirements of Minergie. Here again is the relevant equation (refer to the old post for details):

With the new construction plan, the various energy demands are computed to be:
QH,eff = 13.9 kWh/(m2·a)
QWW = 6.7 kWh/(m2·a) and the rest is met via solar energy
QV = 2.51 kWh/(m2·a)

This gives a weighted energy demand of 20.7 kWh/(m2·a). The limit for Minergie-P is 30 kWh/(m2·a), so we are comfortably within this requirement. This is great news!

[1] In the earlier plan, the lower level was going to be made of concrete and bricks, and the upper level out of wood.


  1. Hi ersie

    The lower level in now made in a wooden construction ?
    How is the construction made against the soil ?


  2. Hi Wellingtonia,

    There will be a kind of "Schale" made of concrete (Armierung Stahlbeton) against the ground and the slope.

    The horizontal layer, from lowest (against the ground) to the highest will be as follows (I'm leaving out the various water/vapor barriers in this listing):

    20 cm -- Stahlbeton Armierung 2%
    16 cm -- SWISSPOR EPS 30
    3 cm -- GOPOR T/SE
    6 cm -- Unterlagsboden Anhydrit
    x cm -- Anhydritboden

    The vertical is as follows (from outside to inside):

    20 cm -- Stahlbeton Armierung 2%
    16 cm -- Jackodur KF 300
    2 cm -- Luft "raum"
    6 cm -- Dreischichtplatten

    I will try to put up some detail drawings in the next few days.


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