In posts 027, 028 and 029 we looked at the heat flow into, and heat flow out of, the house on a monthly basis. The information is then put together for the year to calculate the yearly energy demand of the house. A depiction of this can be seen in figure 23 which is an illustration based on one generated by a software package called NOVA[1] which is what our energy planner used. Note that the diagram is not to scale!
The quantities listed in the diagram are:
- QiP is the heat generated by the residents.- QiE is the heat generated by the electrical equipment.
- The total internally generated energy is Qi = QiP + QiE.
- QS is the heat delivered by the sun.
- The total gain Qg = Qi + QS.
Only 69%[2] of Qg can be used by the house:
- Qg,u = 0.69 Qg
- QV is the energy lost through the ventilation system[3].
- Qt is the energy lost via transmission through the shell.
The box labelled WRG (Wärmeruckgewinn) represents the heat recovery aspect of the ventilation system. I think the term Ehww represents the electrical energy required to run the heat pump and related equipment that we have planned. Qr and QL must give an indication of the amount of energy that is extracted from the environment (the air in the case of our air source heat pump).
[1] NOVA is made by → Plancal AG
[2] I don't know how exactly this number is computed.
[3] This number is calculated using an Aussenluftvolumenstrom of 0.37 . I will try to explore this on the blog at some later point.
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