The application (Baugesuch or Baueingabe in German) for our building permit (Baubewilligung) was recently submitted to the local building commission. It includes blueprints of the house, plans for the connections to the water, sewer and electricity supply lines and an analysis of the energy usage (Energienachweis). In addition to these things one is also required to physically mark out the corners of the proposed building on the land as shown in figure 9 above. This is known as the Bauprofile (aka Baugespann or Bauvisiere and it allows the commission and other interested parties to visualize the building and easily ascertain that none of the building limits are exceeded. As part of the approval process a period of time, usually two or three weeks, is set aside to give the neighbors the chance to file objections or concerns. There's a form for this and the objections (Einsprache) have to be submitted in writing. Naturally, we're hoping that there will be none against our plans. It's an interesting process.
Hi ersie
ReplyDeleteOne further step.
Best wishes and no objection.
Thank you, Wellingtonia.